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Non-Surgical Breast Biopsies

Non-Surgical Breast Biopsy is a minimally invasive method of diagnosing abnormalities within the breast.  Non-Surgical is as accurate as a surgical breast biopsy, with a 98% accuracy rate.  Other benefits include:

        Reduces the need for surgery since 80% of breast abnormalities are non-cancerous.

        Less painful.

        Less invasive.

        Most women return to normal routine following a simple procedure.

Our radiologists perform image-guided breast biopsies via Ultrasound or Mammographic guidance.

Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy:

Ultrasound-guided biopsy a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure used to obtain tissue samples for microscopic examination. Ultrasound guidance is used to find the area, which usually cannot be felt.  The radiologist removes samples of breast tissue using a special needle. These tissue samples are sent to the pathologist for review. The patient's healthcare provider will receive a pathology report several days after the biopsy and will review the results with the patient.

Ultrasound is also used for cyst-aspiration.

Stereotactic Biopsy:

A stereotactic breast biopsy is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure used to obtain tissue samples for microscopic examination. Mammographic guidance is used to find the area, which usually cannot be felt. The radiologist removes samples of breast tissue using a special needle. These tissue samples are sent to the pathologist for review. The patient's healthcare provider will receive a pathology report several days after the biopsy and will review the results with the patient.

Instructions After Breast Biopsy